Monday, October 11, 2010

One Heck of a Slide!


Slide anyone? LoL :D The first time I saw this picture, I was like 

" Great Cesar Salads Ghost!!! What the heck is that thing? "

But when I took a closer look, it was just a slide. But obviously, not a NORMAL ONE! As you can see, it's one heck of a ride! Well, what I mean is that this is no ordinary slide. Before you'd reach the top most area, you'd have to climb it up. (pretty tiring though..) But who knows what joy and thrill it can give to a certain human being when they would start to slide down and fell the rush of gravity pulling them :D hahaha... I'm not really that fascinated with humongous, wicked slides like this. I'm just curios on how people would end their lives here by just sliding down. HAHAHA :D Yeah, it's good for people who seek too much adventure in life. Unfortunately, I wouldn't bother to seek one :) 

I've tried a lot of deadly looking slides... And the most unforgettable one was on Blue Jazz Resort. There, they had four HUMONGOUS slides! Each with different patterns. Before you'd reach the slide, you'd have to climb up the stairs. And when you reach them, you'd have to wait in line. The slide can only accommodate one person at a time and this made my legs shake! I thought I had butterflies in my stomach. For short I was Seriously Nervous about doing this thing! But I have to do it for the name of experience :D So, I started to slide down... The first 3 seconds were alright. But OH MY GOSH!  I was shouting on top of my lungs! (that's the fruit of my nervousness eh?) I was murmuring things I don't even understand. Maybe it's all part of insanity :D hahaha But good gracious, I landed safely :)

Going back,  for some people, it would be a dream come true for them to experience this blood thirsty slide :D Well, all I can say is, before you do the sliding part, try increasing your insurance pay. Who knows what might happen :D HAHAHAHA!! Kidding! God forbid that that might happen..

Anyway, got the original photo from JUSTIN TEC 


Thanks Justin or should I say Kuya Justin for lending me the photo. LoL :D


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